Monday 10 October 2011

The journey of a thousand steps

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.
 But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."

"The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it."

"Do not wait for leaders, do it alone, person to person."

--Mother Teresa

As babies when we took the first step imagine if we knew the amount of foot steps we were going to take in our whole life  - would we be able to take that very first step?
The joy in our first step stemmed out of that only - the joy in our first step and nothing else - not a step more - not a step less.
Let us be babies at heart while doing our work, spending time with our loved ones................ and doing multiple other things................. just babies taking their first steps.................... and experience the joy of step at a time.

Friday 7 October 2011

The Power of One

All the great things in life are initiated by 'the power of one'.

One Newton
One Gandhi
One Einstein
One Mother Teresa

How do you think these people would have communicated their message, theory, movement to people?
Especially in the days of social networking happening through letters? Travelling happening @snail's pace as compared to our jet speed era?

I feel they communicated with the one source within them first that would lead them, guide them, protect them and help them in every possible way. This one source gave them immense strength and courage to go through periods of darkness and light in a balanced way and to stick to their aim as if it was their breath of life.

Be it one friend or a million followers worldwide that stood by them,
 what mattered most to them was this 'One'

Be it handling difficult relationships, a new career, a health issue, getting finances into order or something as simple as which ice cream to eat

As members of the global village and juggling multiple roles in our personal, professional and social lives let us feel free to access this power.

The power of one is the power of the one within

How to access this power?

There are thousands of ways to do this.

Common examples are meditation, soft music, relaxation, proper breathing, watching nature...........
 the list goes on

 the most easiest and powerful techniques I found are affirmations

Affirmation to Instantly Increase your Spiritual Connection

"I am connected and one with my Higher Soul.
 This is the truth, this is the reality - regardless of the capacity of the brain to experience it".

Soul Affirmation

I AM not the body
I AM not the emotion
I AM not the thought
I AM not the mind
The mind is just a subtle instrument of the Soul.

I AM the Soul
I AM a Spiritual Being of Divine Intelligence, Divine Love, Divine Power
I AM one with my Higher Soul

I AM one with the Divine Spark within me
I AM a child of God
I AM connected with God
I AM one with God
I AM one with all.

Affirmations by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui - Founder of Modern Pranic healing

Sunday 3 April 2011

Golden messages from Great Masters

Golden messages from Great Masters

Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi

* Faith (sraddha) and Patience (saburi)  
* Guru Bhakti

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

* Who am I (naan yaar)
* The path of self enquiry

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Divine light, Divine love, Divine power
Tithing and Service
Law of Karma 
Law of Forgiveness

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Magic Word - Love

The magic word - SELF LOVE

The magic affirmation - I love and approve of my self.

The journey of a thousand miles (for every purpose) starts with a single step - self love.

If there is time to do only one thing for the whole day - then let it be self love.

If there is only space for one person in your heart - then let it be your self.

Self help is the best help.

Self love is the best love.

Self love is loving ourselves in totality - at all levels - in all dimensions- in all lifetimes.

Saturday 26 February 2011

My Favourites

The first thing that came to mind when I wanted to blog was
“these are a few of my favourite things” (from the film – Sound of Music)- a film I watched at school
I remember a bit of the film-  the tune of the song stayed on.

So, here come my favourite things

These are a few of my favourite things
Hot chocolate
Cold coffee
Straw berry ice cream
Kids smiling
Spring flowers
Soft music
Light colours
Rain drops
Green apples
Romantic comic films
Beautiful interiors
Soulful Poetry
Soothing Art
Wind chimes
Colour beads jewelery
Loving couple
Happy people
Smiling just like that
Archie comics
Budugu cartoons
Spicy food

Moi (which means 'me') - as veronica stylishly says in archie comics - referring to oneself :)